Plan Your Visit
What does your church believe?
For complete answers to questions about what we believe, please visit Our Beliefs under the About menu.
How long are your services?
Service times vary, although the typical service averages 75-90 minutes. God’s presence is too important to be rushed. We understand that time is limited, so our services are organized to get the most possible out of the allotted time.
What should I expect when I visit?
At Calvary Baptist Church, we are thrilled to have guests visiting in most every service. As soon as you walk through the doors, we believe you will find what so many people love about Calvary Baptist Church — a down-to-earth and genuinely friendly atmosphere. We will usually begin every service by making sure that each guest receives an information packet about our church. During the services themselves, you can expect to enjoy clear, God-honoring music and fervent, practical preaching. You might be wondering, “What should I wear when visiting Calvary Baptist Church?” While we never apologize for encouraging people to “dress their best” for church, you will find people from all walks of life and backgrounds who feel very much at home.
Does your church have Sunday school?
Sunday school is alive and well at Calvary Baptist Church. Its purpose is to provide systematic teaching of the Bible, as well as to provide opportunities for fellowship and encouragement for people in similar life stages. Sunday school is one of the best ways to get to know more people at Calvary Baptist Church. We begin at 9:30 with refreshments and fellowship time. Check out our Ministries page for more details.
What will my children do while I’m in the main worship service?
A nursery is available at all services for children up to age 3 years. Children ages 4-5 years should go directly to the Beginner’s Church in the Simpson Hall. Children in elementary grades (1st-6th) will begin in the main auditorium and then be dismissed after the opening services to their own Junior Church. Our Youth Department is named Stedfast Youth and is for teens up through 12th grade. The Stedfast Youth has its own Sunday school class and remains in the main auditorium for the worship services. When you arrive at Calvary Baptist Church, you will find volunteers and ushers happy to help you locate the appropriate classes and activities for your children.
Where do I park?
As you pull into our front parking lot, you may park in available slot. We also have parking to the rear of our campus and there is some parking available street-side.
What style of music is used in the worship service?
Our music is more traditional than the typical church today. In congregational singing, we primarily use a hymnal with occasional choruses added. The special music from the platform uses a mix of great new music, as well as timeless classics. We don’t use hymns because we are stuck in a rut. We still find them challenging, stirring, and more accurate in their reflection on God’s attributes. Once you sit through a song service, you’ll see why we believe that conservative music is alive and well.
What version of the Bible do you use?
We use the King James Bible. Because the Bible is such an important part of our services, as well as our primary authority, we have chosen to concentrate on one translation. The King James Bible has been a reliable anchor for English-speaking people for centuries. Most of today’s translations seem to be more a product of marketing than accuracy. We believe a timeless, proven standard can be preached and explained in a way that everyone can understand.
What does Calvary Baptist Church offer for my family?
Feel free to look through the website to familiarize yourself with the programs for various ages. You will find ministries like Character Junction for Kids, King’s Kids Club on Wednesdays, Vacation Bible School, Christian Academy, Character Junction integrity program, active Stedfast Youth Department, camps, ladies activities and retreats, Couples Retreats, Mens’ Retreats and Prayer meetings, Men’s Steak-Out, H.O.P.E. Addictions Recovery program, youth meetings, et cetera. You will find something for everyone!
What time are your services?
Our services are held weekly on Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening. We frequently have special meetings. Browse to Service Times for additional times and contact information.
What religious group are you a part of?
Calvary Baptist Church is not affiliated with or under the authority of any denominational organization. Instead, the Bible is our sole authority for all of our decisions regarding belief and practice. In other words, we are a Baptist church that is independent in our authority and fundamental in our doctrine.